Written: January 2021
Due for review: January 2023

Training Matters South West (TMSW) is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone who accesses the training it provides.

1. Scope and purpose

1.1. This document is intended to clarify how TMSW will work with its partners to safeguard the welfare of those who participate in its courses.

1.2 The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for TMSW is ANDY HODGES. His role is to ensure that this policy is regularly updated; communicated to all staff, volunteers, and partner organisations; and to be the person that providers contact if there has been a safeguarding incident.

1.3 Operational responsibility for the handling of safeguarding concerns rests with the partner and TMSW who will raise concerns with the partner’s DSL and liaise with the statutory authorities as required.

2. Expectations of partner organisations

2.1 All organisations seeking to be supported through courses to persons under the age of 18 with TMSW are required to provide contact details of their DSL to allow timely and appropriate direct communications in the event of a concern being identified.

3. Procedure in the event of a safeguarding concern

3.1 It is the responsibility of TMSW and all partners to respond promptly and effectively to all safeguarding concerns.

3.2 A concern should be recorded and communicated to the DSL of TMSW without delay.

3.3 The TMSW DSL will communicate with the partner’s DSL and/or the statutory agencies without delay. All communications will be recorded in a timeline format and saved in a secure manner.
3.4 The TMSW DSL will inform MTE when their safeguarding procedures have been invoked, they would not normally need to be given confidential information such as the name of the person about whom there is a concern. The information to be shared is:

  • A brief description of the nature of the concern
  • The action taken in response
  • The outcome

3.5 There may be some circumstances where identifiable information can be shared, with informed consent. This may be because the person concerned will continue to be involved in Mountain Training courses and sharing information will enable them to be better supported, for example.

3.6 TMSW will store all records relating to safeguarding matters safely and securely and use them for the purpose of quality assurance and monitoring.

4. Reporting Procedure

4.1 Should an incident arise whereby a Safeguarding Concern is identified the TMSW procedure is:

1: Claims should be recorded in writing as soon as possible, this should be done sensitively with due regard to privacy of everyone involved.

2: This information should be passed to the DSL without delay.

3: The DSL will communicate the concerns to the relevant DSL (school or organisation). It will be agreed (and recorded) who will report this to the relevant authorities – usually Children’s Social Care but possibly the Police.

4: All communications should be kept securely and be made available to those authorities as required (the Seven Rules of Sharing principles apply to information sharing; these outweigh GDPR restrictions on sharing data and information).

5: The DSL must attend and support any further investigation and discussions as required.

6: If the allegation or concern is made against a member of staff, this person should be removed from the setting pending reporting and further actions by the relevant authorities.

5. Code of Conduct

5.1 All TMSW staff and partners are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct and to have made themselves of any partner organisations’ professional expectations (for example, a school with whom we are working.)

5.2 We strive to create a learning environment which is positive and supportive and which:

  • Values inclusivity, appreciates difference, welcomes learning from others, and considers all participants to be equal;
  • Builds relationships based on mutual respect, and gives and receives feedback in a constructive way;
  • Does not tolerate bullying and harassment;
  • Respects confidentiality whenever possible when issues are reported;
  • Respects everyone’s dignity equally.

6. TMSW Staff and Partners

6.1 TMSW will ensure all those working in partnership with TMSW will have:

  • An up to date DBS;
  • Completed introductory Safeguarding training and updated this on an annual basis;
  • Agreed to abide by the TMSW Code of Conduct when working with young and vulnerable people;
  • Provided a declaration each year to confirm continued compliance with the above;
  • This will allow for the dissemination of best practice; assist in improving provision; and inform the review of this policy.

The DSL of TMSW will take part in face to face safeguarding training to maintain currency and enable him/her to discharge their duties appropriately.

This policy will be reviewed by TMSW at least every 2 years or if there are significant changes to legislation and guidance.

Reference Documents:

  • DFE Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2020
  • MTE Safeguarding Policy, 2018
  • NSPCC – Safeguarding Standards, 2019
  • Ten Tors, 2019
  • Individual schools’ and organisations policies

Code of Conduct

TMSW staff are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism whilst undertaking duties involved in their work. There is also a wider expectation relating to their conduct which forms part of this code.

  • All staff aware of what physical contact with young and vulnerable people is acceptable and in what circumstances it might be required;
  • All staff expected to treat each other with respect;
  • All staff should treat resources responsibility, and exercise due financial care;
  • All staff are expected to behave professionally and exercise confidentiality whilst bearing in mind Safeguarding Principles (Seven Golden Rules for Sharing Information)
  • Social Media Conduct: staff MUST NOT contact or befriend children on social media or via other communication channels.
  • All staff need to be aware of the policies and procedures of Safeguarding (as outlined above and reviewed annually)
  • All staff need to be aware of how to report/record concerns (as above)
  • All staff should take care of their physical and mental wellbeing.

Participants have a responsibility to inform the leader of a session about any issue concerning the delivery or safety of the session.

In particular:

  • All participants are aware of what physical contact is acceptable and in what circumstances it might be required;
  • All participants expected to treat each other with respect;
  • All participants should treat resources responsibility, and exercise due financial care;
  • All participants are expected to behave politely and considerately to others;
  • Social Media Conduct: participants MUST NOT attempt to contact or befriend staff on social media or via other communication channels;
  • All participants need to be aware of who they should contact regarding any Safeguarding concerns.
  • All participants should take care of their, and other participants physical and mental wellbeing.